Survey (Total Station)
Be able to set up and use onboard memory or software to record points, coded layers & features to absolute or site coordinates.
Geophysical Survey
Be able to carry out a systematic collection of geophysical data for archaeological imaging or mapping.
GIS & Data Management
Take digital/non digital data and process into a useable format. Prepare for use in a database and/or GIS system.
Landscape Walkover Survey
Carry out systematic survey over a large area, collecting data on sites on pre- prepared forms, photographs and sketches.
Field Walking
Carry out a systematic collection of artefacts from the ground surface with either gridded or transect methods.
Excavation and Lifting Skeleton
Understands skeletal anatomy, so can excavate without damage to bone and ensure nothing is lost or disturbed during lift.
Environmental Processing
Understand on-site flotation and sieving, sample recovery and processing programmes as well as discard policies.
Finds Processing
Carry out careful supervised sorting, initial cleaning (only if appropriate),recording and storage of recovered artefacts.
Site Record Collation/Archiving
Produce a clear and organised site archive, checked in the field and cross referenced between all records.