Coming by 2018 will be an complete list of Careers from Council HER Officer to Osteologist  and from Consultant to Self Employed Contractor.   Each job will be matched with skills. – to allow you to see at a glance what you need to get where you want to be.

The Final website will also include all the following skills

1.    Aerial photographs
1.1.    Rectifying aerial photographs by hand
1.2.    Rectifying aerial photographs using computer applications
1.3.    Analysing and interpreting aerial photographic data

2.    Using Sites & Monuments Records
2.1.    Interrogating SMR/HER databases
2.2.    Interpreting SMR data

3.    Using local record offices and other archives
4.    Historic map regression
5.    Interpreting geology maps
6.    Consulting grey literature
7.    Writing desk based assessments
8.    Writing project specifications & designs
9.    Historic Landscape Characterisation

10.    Site safety
10.1.    Personal Protective Equipment
10.2.    Site safety

11.    Excavation techniques
11.1.    Tool Competencies:

•    Trowel
•    Shovel
•    Spade
•    Hoe
•    Mattock
•    Pick axe
•    Bucket
•    Barrow

12.    Excavation skills
12.1.    Deturfing
12.3.    Cleaning
12.4.    Trench maintenance (trench edges, steps, drainage etc.)
12.5.    Stratigraphic excavation
12.6.    Determining relationships
12.7.    Single context recording (Urban excavation)
12.8.    Excavating in-situ/articulated human/animal bones
12.9.    Lifting in-situ human/animal bones
12.10.    Lifting artefacts
13.    Understanding formation processes
13.1.    Identifying and recording sediments
13.2.    Interpreting depositional processes
14.    Recording
14.1.    Photography
14.2.    Planning
14.3.    Section drawing
14.4.    Context recording
14.5.    Human skeletal recording
14.6.    Matricies
15.    Finds processing
15.1.    Sorting/organising finds
15.2.    Cataloguing finds
16.    Artefact retrieval and sampling
16.1.    Dry sieving
16.2.    Wet sieving
17.    Outreach and education
17.1.    Answering questions/providing information to visitors
17.2.    Undertaking site tours
17.3.    Preparing information for display panels
18.    Instrument survey
Instrument competencies
18.1.    Dumpy level
18.2.    Theodolite
18.3.    Total station
18.4.    D-GPS
Survey techniques
18.5.    Laying out grids with tapes
18.6.    Offseting with tapes
18.7.    General site survey (recording levels, finds etc)
18.8.    Traversing and setting up stations and benchmarks
18.9.    Topographic survey
18.10.    Earthwork survey
19.    Geophysical survey
19.1.    Gradiometer survey
19.1.1.    Assist
19.1.2.    Undertake
19.2.    Resisitivity survey
19.2.1.    Assist
19.2.2.    Undertake
19.3.    Resistance tomography survey
19.3.1.    Assist
19.3.2.    Undertake
19.4.    Magnetic susceptibility survey
19.4.1.    Assist
19.4.2.    Undertake
19.5.    Ground penetrating radar survey
19.5.1.    Assist
19.5.2.    Undertake
20.    Fieldwalking
20.1.    Walkover survey
20.2.    Transect survey
20.3.    Gridded survey
21.    Building survey
21.1.    Photographic survey
21.2.    Drawing elevations
21.3.    Drawing architectural features
21.4.    Cross section
21.5.    Laser survey
21.6.    3D scanning
22.    Environmental sampling techniques
22.1.    Taking samples with a Russian auger (corer)
22.2.    Taking samples with monolith tins
22.3.    Taking bulk samples
23.    Describing organic sediments
24.    Auger survey
24.1.    Assist with an auger survey
24.2.    Undertake an auger survey
25.    Scanning site records
26.    Digitising plans and sections
27.    Archiving excavation records
28.    Report writing
29.    Producing popular literature
30.    Processing survey data
30.1.    Hand drawing contour plans
30.2.    Hachure plans
30.3.    Creating digital elevation models/contour plots
30.4.    Producing finds plots
31.    Finds processing
31.1.    Washing finds
31.2.    Marking finds
31.3.    Drawing artefacts
32.    Environmental processing
32.1.    Wet sieving/flotation
32.2.    Sediment sorting
33.    Computer applications
33.1.    CAD
33.2.    GIS
33.3.    Surfer
33.4.    Geoplot
33.5.    Databases (Access etc)
33.6.    Spreadsheets (Excel etc)
33.7.    Image processing/manipulation software
33.8.    Vector line art software (Illustrator etc)
34.    Documentary research to enhance existing records
35.    Historic landscape characterisation
36.    Preparing displays
37.    Cataloguing museum collections
38.    Data entry
39.    Artefact recording
39.1.    Drawing/illustration
39.2.    Photography
40.    Front of House
41.    Experimental archaeology
42.    Communication
43.    Financial management
44.    Life skills/personal & social care
45.    Literacy
46.    Numeracy
47.    Patience/accuracy
48.    Problem solving
49.    Research skills
50.    Responsibility/leadership
51.    Self motivation
52.    Team work
53.    Time management

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