Handtools(Trowel etc)
Understand the correct use of the trowel and other smaller hand tools including their safe use and maintenance.
Handtools (Spade, Mattock etc)
Understand the correct and safe use of larger tools as well as appropriate loading for buckets and wheelbarrows.
Site Formation Processes
Understand the process of site formation, including fills, layers, structures or natural deposits.
Stratigraphic Excavation
Understand the concept of physical and chronological stratigraphy as well as the methods of recording the sequences.
Context Sheet Recording
Understand the procedure for the completion of a standard context record sheet [Deposit/Cut/Fill/Structural].
Site Grid and Trench Layout
Appreciates concept of site/national grid systems and placement of trenches within this. Can use long-tapes to lay out trenches.
Dumpy Level and Staff
Understand the concept behind level heights along with the setting out and collection of data for the purpose of survey.
Understands the various elements that must be present on a plan, including the use of conventions and how the plan is located.
Section Drawing
Understands the various elements that must be present on a section including the use of conventions & how it is located/levelled.
Site Photography
To be able to take a meaningful photograph of a trench, site or feature, and reference it within the full site record.
Collection of Samples
Collection and recording of the appropriate samples from a context with a minimum for potential contamination.
Artefact Recovery, Recording & Storage
Understands the recording, safe excavation and storage of artefacts of various materials and fragility.
Site Safety
Understands the elements of Health and Safety on site including all standard elements such as disease, cuts, back and knee protection as well as general H&S principles.